
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Three remedies: elements of the bardic tradition as prevention and antidote to modern psychoses and PSYWAR

in my own mind i imagine an unspoken dialogue with potential readers. i wonder if they find this relevant, comprehensible, or enjoyable. i also imagine questions or critiques they might have. perhaps this is my own inner critic helping me along. one question i hear is: 'what do these recent posts have to do with druids?'. it is a good question--one which i will attempt to adress. i also imagine the critique that this is all gloom and doom pessimism, which is in itself a kind of psychological attack of its own on some scale. here is how i would address these:
my belief is that, in order to improve circumstances, or to accurately perceive circumstances, it is necessary to examine even the most unsavory aspects of reality, as well as those which are very subtle and operate below the treshold of mundane everyday material events. if one is willing to do so, then much more effective solutions may emerge; this is why i am detailing what i believe to be core aspects of the problems facing modern society.
on the question of how the history of PSYWAR is relevant: in my studies i have come to a number of conclusions regarding human history, particularly as it pertains to my ancestors specifically. one of these conclusions is that the oppressive surveillance state, nanny-state, and pseudo-scientific theocracy (with politicians, technocratic 'experts', and depraved/retarded celebrities as the gods or demi-gods). . .none of these could exist without the elimination of an innate psychic immune system which humanity once possessed and manifested in organically arising tribal culture. my ancestors lived through the repeated massacre of such cultures, in the form of bodily corpses, and in the form of destroyed art, artifacts, history and literature. this is a necessary step for those that would seek to impose an anti-human false culture of self-destruction, decadence and moral debasement. this is often accompanied by the co-opting of cultural symbolism, and history into the roman fascist narrative (ahem, christianity, cough). this has the effect of tantalizing an unconscious longing for real culture, which is then directed to the worship of the false idols of one-world fascism. my opinion, based on a lifetime of research and experience is that we are now still living in the roman empire, ideologically, culturally, and spiritually. we use their alphabet. most legal jargon in western nations and in Uniform Commercial Code is based on roman law. in america (supposedly a 'democracy'), our money has the latin motto of roman fascism ('out of many, one'). fasces flank the statue of abraham lincoln in washington dc, as well as the podium from which our president speaks in the congressional chamber. our national symbol, the eagle, is the symbol and standard of both roman fascism and nazi-ism.


so what are these branches that have been chopped down with an axe and bundled together under one central authority? they represent all races and tribes that were brutally subjected to roman rule and subsequent 'christianity' (and it's monotheistic political equivalent world-fascism) which massacred it's way across europe, the americas and eventually much of rest of the world. the question arises: what did these tribes and cultures possess that so threatened the progress of world fascism that it necessitated them being destroyed and having their memories wiped, instead of merely allowing them to be conscripted and allowed to persist as roman slaves (which would seem more profitable n'est-ce pas)?
I am going to present what i feel are three important aspects of this answer, specifically those that i feel are the core principles of druidry/heathenry which distinguished them among the ancient peoples.

1. Reverence for all living things, and for the earth itself as the supreme and immanent goddess with whom humans could seek protection, wisdom, and persistence of their tribe.
this single principle, if allowed to survive and be practiced/taught to the mass, would have prevented/cured the spread of world fascism which relies on extreme egocentrism/solipsism (which teaches that every individual exists abstractly in some delusional bubble, and that nature and all of reality exists merely to facilitate one's momentary whims and projected fantasies of self-aggrandizement), and delusional materialism (which teaches that the only reality is that which can be weighed, measured, bought and sold 'objectively' and be seen as a mere instrumentality of the delusional ego). In druid lore, by contrast, one is shown that not so much as a branch or a twig should be broken unless it is for a definite and constructive purpose which facilitates healing, wisdom, and general benefit for the tribe. further, the main substance of the culture and communal practice of druidry revolves around the reverence for, and symbolic renewing of the abundant life-force of the earth. it also shows clearly that the individual is given his life and character by the wind, water, earth and animals as well as one's ancestors. . .as opposed to being merely a stand-alone unit circumscribed only by one's possessions and hedonistic desires. obviously, this is antithetical to the model of mercantilism, mass ritual murder of any who do not submit to world fascism (you call it 'war'), and total attempted subjugation of all elements of the natural world to the will of spreading fascism and sustaining the hedonism of its adherents without any sane limit. in short, how could Caesar be the supreme authority and source of all if people could conceptualize the being of an infinitely larger and more powerful unity, which is the life-force and self-renewing intelligence of the planet itself? who would use roman coins if they knew that the real source of wealth, life, power, healing, and intelligence was the boundless reserve of self-renewing nature? wouldn't they just accept wealth and prosperity directly from the goddess in the form of food, medicine, clothing, wisdom, etc.? what would be the point of carrying around metal disks?

2. Reverence for the ancestors, and for the wisdom they have accumulated.
again, this single principle would negate any possibility of masses of people accepting a pseudo-culture created by fascists as the underpinning of their system of world domination. this principle allows true diversity of cultures and their unique adaptations to their climate and landscape which have given them the strength of self-reliance and harmony with the cycles of nature in their own locale. this is the antithesis of the global monoculture of false 'diversity' which is actually total homogenization and brainwashing in the form of a media/educational monopoly which is constantly updating culture incrementally to create an ever more servile and mentally crippled population which is totally dependent on the superstructure of the welfare state for its basic existence and any explanations of reality (delusional materialism) that may be desired. reverence for the ancestors and their history (which is one of the cornerstones of druidic education) would quickly allow the individual to become aware of the historical propensity of violent and destructive groups to attack and attempt to destroy the livelihood of the tribe and pollute or steal their source of health/wealth/medicine from them for use by the marauding armies of imperial conquest, by those who salt the earth into infertility as a means of permanently subduing the colonies into dependency. since this has happened repeatedly, as told in the oral histories, any inkling that this might be occurring or about to occur would be met with the instant and whole-hearted resistance of everyone in the tribe as a matter of sacred duty, honor, and as a debt to the ancestors who gave them life in the first place. how different is this from the complacency, resignation, ignorance and guilt with which modern masses accept assimilation and the ever-increasing encroachment of fascist control over the outer world and even over their own thoughts and self-image (conferred by the propagation of false 'history'). in a very real sense, knowledge of the ancestors IS knowledge of self. genetic memory is a real and profound phenomenon and an important aspect of our identity. what happens if you are lied to about the history of the ancestors, and taught to be ashamed of them? as george orwell points out so well, he who controls the past controls the present.

3. The art of memory.
as many know, the druidic education placed primary emphasis on memorization of massive volumes of information without the crutch of written materials to refer back too. this single principle would be incredibly effective in preventing/reversing the incredible cognitive decline characteristic of today's society, as well as teaching a valuable lesson in the principle of self-reliance. i can remember a time when i had all my friends and family's phone numbers memorized. i didn't consider this phenomenal or difficult at all; it seemed natural. now if my cellphone battery is dead, i would be lost. how much outsourcing of human intellectual faculties to fragile machines and infrastructure will have to happen before society totally collapses, or becomes run by the machines themselves? just as muscles atrophy, the intellectual capacity will quickly wither if not used and exercised regularly. now 'google it' has become a surrogate 'external brain' for everyone. i ask you--what would happen if someone went in and started editing wikipedia to be a little more in line with some particular ideology? what if the power grid went down? most people would be completely uprooted and detached from all information, and all artificial commodities wrapped in plastic and delivered to them only by electric machines that read their plastic cards. without the intellectual capacity to accurately store information, your external brain could fail at any time, or be corrupted or altered at any point. one would have no other recourse than to dismiss any of your memories which had been 'memory-holed' as a mere dream or a fantasy without any external confirmation. further, without faith in one's own internal capacity for knowledge and memory, the individual will inevitably accept external 'authority' as the true arbiter of reality as opposed to being inclined to trust one's own inner knowing and sense of rightness.

each of these three methods is still available, though subtly discouraged by our 'culture' and habits. each of these three methods can confer a profound sense of wholeness and the potential for healing if practiced. each of these three methods has the power to reverse trends of dominance by a fundamentally alien and self-destructive worldview, to help identify these negative aspects of today's world and to protect each of us and our kin from debasement and ignorance. i hope some of you will consider these and examine these concepts further.

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