
Sunday, March 8, 2015

extended bibliography of topics and sources: technocratic priestcraft, social engineering, PSYWAR, and psychic self-defense

image credit:"Theologue" by Alex Grey

while the preceding posts have been cursory and introductory remarks on topics for the beginner, i wanted to add this as a kind of departure from that pattern, and as an extensive collection of source material for any readers who may already be well-versed in the topics i wish to focus on, and who are ready and willing to absorb large volumes of concepts and information, as well as detailed elaborations of the nuts and bolts of historical, philosophical, scientific, and psychological facets of the subjects at hand. [if you are short on time, or don't enjoy reading, skip to the videos and modern sources at the bottom] i am compiling this because i feel that those who study these subjects in detail will not only become more intelligent and discerning (thus less vulnerable to manipulation and lies), but also understand the power of introducing ideas and philosophies into society to effect a desired change; transforming ideas and opinions is the groundwork to transforming the world. in reading these we may question the origins of our own opinions and attitudes, the type of reality that arises based on these attitudes, and who these attitudes may serve. i will try and begin with some broad categories. [i intend to be making updates to this as time goes on by just editing this entry and adding them later]

Early sources:

Dao De Jing (profound framework of concepts of human perception, mind-training/meditation, cosmology, anarchism/libertarianism/pastoralism, recognition of the arbitraty/illusory nature of all mental and social constructs, natural magic/shamanism, yin/yang theory. . .so much!)

Yoga Sutra of Patanjali. [if there were ever an anti mind-control manual, this is it. I recommend Iyengar's translation]

Bhagavad Gita (essence of the rationale behind the caste system/social hierarchy, samkhya philosophy, non-dualism, yoga, mind training. . .too many implications to enumerate)

The Republic of Plato (absolutely foundational text for all western civilization, the bible of all control freaks and social engineers, caste system, totalitarian control of all culture/education/science etc. . .some interesting metaphysics/cosmology in the often excluded book 10)

The philosophy of "Confucius" 孔夫子 Kǒng Fūzǐ, literally "Master Kong
(next to Plato, probably the single most influential framework of the authoritarian caste-system/hierarchy model of society, pretty much the anti-Taoist, depicts the model of a totally clone-like loyalty to a rigid social/familial hierachy in which all relationships are vertical hierarchies where behavioral guidelines are pre-scripted, this guy would love the Borg).

Sun Tzu's Art of War [foundational text of strategy and intrigue]

Buddhist Corpus [i personally believe that philosophy, metaphysics, logic, and human psychology found their most developed expression in the works of the buddhists. i would also contend that it represents the distilled essence of Indian philosophy, having matured over centuries into the Tibetan Dzogchen/Mahamudra schools. this topic is incredibly deep and after 20 years of study i feel like i am barely beginning to scratch the surface.]
***if you only read one link on this whole list, make it this one ---->>>

The Maxims of Ptah-hotep  [i could have put this first, since it is possibly the oldest 'book' in existence according to some. it does contain some philosophical gems, and served as the model for many later works (especially the biblical 'ecclesiastes/qoheleth). however, on the whole it is another hierarchy/conformity ass-kisser's manifesto, very much in the confucian vein.]

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Medieval, Rennaisance, 'Age of Enlightenment' sources:

The works of Nicolo Machiavelli [ i cannot over-emphasize the importance of this one. if you want to understand the machinations of modern political agendae, the framework he elaborates is the bedrock of political intrigues since the beginning of time.]

John Dee 1527-c.1608 [this guy was right on the cusp between the medieval wizard-vizier, alchemist, and astrologer on one hand  and the modern spymaster/cryptographer/cartographer/astronomer/mathematician. he signed his correspondence with the queen with the code name 007. Dee was one of the first men to use the term 'British Empire'. he certainly advocated expansionism and colonialism by way of naval supremacy, and offered the crown the mathematics and cartography with which to carry this out. he was also obsessed with cryptography and kabbalah, and a student of hermetica as well as magical ritual and ceremony--all of which would become the mainstay of the secret society networks and intelligence networks that followed him.]
Diary of Dr. John Dee @

Francis Bacon [Attorney General of England and Wales, as well as Lord Chancellor, early proponent of empiricism and scientific method. Rumors about Bacon abound, including the theory that he was one of the authors of the works attributed to William Shakespeare, that he was secretly the son of Queen Elizabeth (with the Earl of Leicester, Robert Dudley), and that he was Imperator of the Rosicrucian order in England and Europe (the modern AMORC makes this claim today ) either way, his writings are highly sympathetic to the aims, philosophy, and methods of both rosicrucianism and freemasonry. Modern 33rd degree mason Manly P. Hall wrote a book largely dealing with bacon's concept of America as the 'New Atlantis'.]
Francis Bacon's works as audiobooks

John Locke [pretty much wrote the US declaration of independence, which Jefferson then borrowed and re-tooled. after Lao Zi, i would say he is the preeminent exponent of libertarian philosophy. but, on the dark side, his work has been used as the foundational mythos/propaganda that is used to justify the world-fascism now practiced by the US government, EU, Nato, etc. nonetheless, contains some very positive elements expounding principles of human freedom].

John Stuart Mill [like Locke, Mill espoused 'freedom' and rights of the 'individual' and yet much of his work has been used as the justification for 'social engineering' and the most crass forms of cultural and economic imperialism. I tend to see him as a kind of decoy/trojan-horse who talks 'freedom' but is really a control-freak and moral relativist in the final equation. Mill is worth reading just to experience the thought patterns of such a methodical thinker who is well-versed in classical philosophy and rhetoric.]

Hegel [as indicated by the use of only one name, this guy is a freakin' juggernaut and the forefather of illuminism, marxism, existenialism, etc. etc. out of all figures listed here, i believe Hegel is the single most influential thinker on the so-called 'New World Order' model of world fascism that was given birth by the likes of Napoleon, the French revolution, the Jacobites, the Nazis, the Rothschild family, and of course the Bavarian Illuminati. at some point, i intend to do a long and detailed analysis of the Hegelian dialectic as the most influential schema used by social controllers throughout the past few millennia, and ultimately given full expression in the works of Hegel. in the mean time, peruse these links.]

Adam Weishaupt [creator of the Bavarian illuminati, 'former' Jesuit and, by many accounts, 'crypto-jew' who infiltrated the educational institution in Ingolstadt and later the masonic networks with the purported funding and support of the house of Orange and Sachsen-Gotha-Altenberg. It surprises me just how few people who claim to be experts on the illuminati know much about Weishaupt and his writings. here's your chance to be smarter than they are]

Voltaire [another Jesuit-educated revolutionary who just happened to be in the right place at the right time, with the right ideas and skills to be a profound influence on revolutionary movements throughout Europe and the American colonies. Weishaupt and many prominent Jacobins were quite fond of him. He had some pretty close associations with certain French nobles and Freemasons. to be fair, he is quite a brilliant satirist and writer who is still studied to this day by intellectuals worldwide. ]

John Robison [possibly the most well-known early writer against the illuminati, inventor, physician and mathematician. he is perhaps most well known by modern researchers for the fact that  George Washington was sent a copy of his book to warn him about the illuminati (rather naively as if GW was unaware of this fact if not the prime agent of the german nobility with which he was a rather close blood-relative). his work gives a view of how the illuminati was seen by many of the revolutionary era.]
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Modern Sources:

Bertrand Russell [ he was a Nobel Laureate writer, mathematician and philosopher. i'd sum up my reasoning for including him here with this single quotation: "Russell argued for a "scientific society", where war would be abolished, population growth limited, and prosperity shared.[144] He suggested the establishment of a "single supreme world government" able to enforce peace,[145] "]
 full text of "The Impact of Science on Society"

Edward Bernays [father of modern propaganda/public relations, an early PSYWAR pioneer, nephew of Sigmund Freud who was highly sought after to mold public opinion on a massive scale]
full text of "Public Relations"

Charles Galton Darwin [grandson of Charles Darwin, who in turn got all his ideas on evolution/eugenics from his grandfather Erasmus Darwin. CGD was a physicist who worked on the manhattan project and was a fellow of the Royal Society, operative technocrat and eugenicist extraordinaire]
online version of "The Next Million Years"

James H. Billington [current Librarian of US Congress. His book Fire in the Minds of Men is THE seminal work on one the topics at hand--consolidation of power through stage-managed 'revolution', and provides the broadest scope in the smallest area. he is constantly referenced by many of today's anti-NWO thinkers and researchers, due to his pioneer statuis in this modern field of research, and his impeccable credentials and scholarship.]

Caroll Quigley [georgetown university professor, mentor of bill clinton, who was given access to the historical archives of the CFR/RIIA, and subsequently published his works detailing their machinations and outright control of most of the major political events of the 20th century, as well as fielding every US president for many decades from amongst their membership. after his book was published the original plates were destroyed to prevent further cirulation of this info, which of course failed. it seems Quigley was pretty much in favor of the global agenda, and thought it should be known how awesome and powerful the shadow government is.]

Anthony Sutton [writer, historian, economist, and professor who brought the order of the skull and bones to public consciousness. i consider him quite a fine scholar who had a good grasp of the topics and understood their paramount importance. generally his work highlights the influence of western bankers on funding and creating their so-called 'enemies' as a psycho-drama to influence politics in a classic 'hegelian-dialectic' maneuver. along with Charlotte Iserbyt, he also began exposing the use of American public education by the secret society network as a form of mass mind-control.]
Trilaterals Over America .pdf

Zbiegniew Brzezinski [National Security Advisor to President Carter, professor at Harvard, Columbia, and Johns Hopkins University, as well as a prolific author, Ziggy B helped arm and train the mujaheddin (militant islam in Afghanistan) with the backing of both the CIA and MI6. He also openly breaks down a huge fraction of globalist geopolitical strategy and where the oligarchs what to take society by PSYWAR, social engineering, and warfare. If one had the patience to read him, you would learn how the world is really run, and how it will likely be run in the future, as well as the methodology of controlling the minds of the masses. He has so many books, but i recommend Between Two Ages and The Grand Chessboard]


Alan Watt (probably my favorite contemporary researcher on the outer (non-spiritual) aspects of globalist fascism, and PSYWAR/Perception Management. please support Alan's Work financially, if you can.) if this link is down look for the 2-hour video called "Neo-Eugenics War on Humanity." if this is down look for the full 90-minute video "Reality Check"

Bill Still [one of the best documentary makers on the subject of private fiat currency] 3.5 hour movie The Money Masters approx 2 hour movie Secret of Oz

Alex Jones [despite being very controversial, and a polarizing figure, the guy makes some well-produced documentaries that are filled with factual info and research leads for independent inquiry] Look for the documentary Invisible Empire look for State of Mind: Psychology of Control

Sean Hross [pharaohs, templars, nazis, and the mercenary model, black magic and torture] look for "the pharaoh show"  look for "pharistocracy"

Ior Bock [ who knows where this story came from? regardless of its true provenance, it seems to correlate with a lot of other research threads. amazing work on the runes, and history of the 'pharistocracy' from the Nordic epic angle]

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