
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

history of PSYWAR pt 2: instinct, depatterning, 'behavior placement'.
so-called 'human nature' has been the chief subject of inquiry and research in human history, and yet it is the least known or understood subject among the masses. meanwhile, the controllers of humanity have such a detailed knowledge the innate disposition and subsequent malleability of the human psyche that they endeavor to build a micro-manged society that runs with little or no maintenance required; once initially installed within the psyche, behavior modification and programming will be enforced and maintained by their victims, who imagine that their inclinations, self-enslaving value systems, and principles of social organization are their own, and defend them with all the fervor of any religious fundamentalist. this post is a brief outline to indicate the most basic mechanisms of influence that control  mass movements and 'culture', as well as individual attitudes and behavior. this post will be organized in three main sections:
1. Instinct
a brief analysis of some nearly universal features of the human psychic template that can serve as the nuts and bolts or 'operating system' on top of which behavioral, perceptual, or cognitive habits and tendencies can be 'installed' and executed. this includes manipulation/redirection of what are commonly considered 'survival instincts' into actions and thoughts that actually have the exact opposite function--to cripple and compromise the senses and thinking in such a way that leads to harm, illness, mental retardation, and death of individuals and large groups of individuals.

2. Depatterning
this term describes methods and technologies to go beyond mere manipulation/redirection of instincts to the point of effectively 'deleting' even the most basic biological and survival functions of an individual at will. true 'depatterning' is the human equivalent of formatting a hard drive; it can entail total amnesia and loss of basic motor control functions in an adult subject. this is extremely rare, but i describe it to give beginners a concept of how completely the human psyche can be restructured, even with very crude and barbaric techniques.

3. 'Behavior Placement'
i use this term in the most generic sense (beyond its normal advertising/propaganda context) to describe any externally influenced pattern of attitude/cognition/behavior which is overlaid onto individuals and groups after the application of the 2 methods above to misdirect or completely circumvent innate tendencies.

Part One: "Instinct"
despite past speculation that the human mind was a kind of blank slate (Tabula Rasa) at birth, there is much evidence to suggest that complex perceptual/cognitive/behavioral tendencies are innate to humans independent of culture and environment.
"Evolutionary psychologists hold that behaviors or traits that occur universally in all cultures are good candidates for evolutionary adaptations.[5] Cultural universals include behaviors related to language, cognition, social roles, gender roles, and technology.[30] Evolved psychological adaptations (such as the ability to learn a language) interact with cultural inputs to produce specific behaviors (e.g., the specific language learned). Basic gender differences, such as greater eagerness for sex among men and greater coyness among women,[31] are explained as sexually dimorphic psychological adaptations that reflect the different reproductive strategies of males and females.[24][32] Evolutionary psychologists contrast their approach to what they term the "standard social science model," according to which the mind is a general-purpose cognition device shaped almost entirely by culture".

so, if we accept the above, it would stand to reason that there are many fairly universal human environmental conditions that have led to the prominence of correspondingly widespread adaptations which might be characterized as a 'toolbox' of responses to certain types of environmental stimuli. one of the first places i encountered this idea was in volume one of The Masks of God by Joseph Campbell:

"Students of animal behavior have coined the term "innate releasing mechanism" (IRM) to designate the inherited structure in the nervous system that enables an animal to respond thus to a circumstance never experienced before, and the factor triggering the response they term a "sign stimulus" or "releaser." It is obvious that the living entity responding to such a sign cannot be said to be the individual, since the individual has had no previous knowledge of the object to which it is reacting. The recognizing and responding subject is, rather, some sort of trans- or super- individual, inhabiting and moving the living creature. . . .Chicks with their eggshells still adhering to their tails dart for cover when a hawk flies overhead, but not when the bird is a gull or duck, heron or pigeon. Furthermore, if the wooden model of a hawk is drawn over their coop on a wire, they react as though it were alive."
What Campell is describing here is a particular instance of subconscious content, an archetype within the collective consciousness of a species. If a simple creature, such as a baby chick, possesses such instinct, how much more must a human child, with its more complex sensorium and neo-cortex. For those who would rule society and control individuals within a hierarchy, the craft of manipulating human instinct is the oldest science in the world, and it is never lost or abandoned by those who have it; they bequeath it in countless ways to their successors whether divulging it openly among the Harvard, Oxford, and Eton students that are to be the rulers of the empire, or covertly in the corporate products of the culture industry--film, television, children's books, or so-called 'history' textbooks for the children of the profane masses. Some of the most profound analysis of this process i have seen was in a lecture i attended by Stanislav Grof, where he described in great detail the use of imagery and language of birth trauma (certainly one of the best examples of a 'human universal' or archetypal experience) in the particular field of war propaganda. Once this mechanism of manipulation is revealed, and a basic understanding of the human psyche is present the method of manipulating human instinct for the purpose of coercion and behavior modification becomes blatantly ubiquitous in almost every form of mass communication--so-called 'public relations', propaganda, advertising, and even 'behavior placement' within the most seemingly banal 'entertainment'. I recommend looking into Grof's work for those interested. here is one quick link:
 although i could go on for hundreds of pages on this topic, for the time being i wanted to just outline the basic mechanism of using humanity's innate programming ('hard-wiring' if you will), to manipulate behavior by means that are quite subtle and, for all intents and purposes, almost completely 'unseen' by the mass of humanity. it is a constant source of bafflement to me exactly how ignorant people are of these mechanisms. in my life, at least, i am witness to individuals that are living out this programming every day while imagining that their actions, prejudices, and worldview are their own, when, in fact, all of their habits, fashions & fads, diet, occupations, music, and entertainment 'choices' are actually completely pre-scripted from above to produce a deeply ingrained set of perceptual and behavioral patterns in accord with the overall hive-order they call 'civilization'.
thus far, i have attempted a basic outline of the concept by which innate tendencies are used to control behavior. however, the opposite function is also utilized in tandem. in the next section we consider the mechanism of redirecting, disabling or erasing any 'undesirable' survival-based tendencies on the part of the masses.

Part Two: Depatterning
with the advent of what i consider 'modern' PSYWAR, which emerged pretty much concomitantly with the advent of the internal use of industrial waste products we call 'vaccines' and 'pharmaceuticals' combined with other industrial developments like ECT, and the surgical lobotomy,  the potential for radical behavior modification, to the point of creating seemingly soulless animals devoid of normal human affect became a reality. Perhaps the most famous instance of this type of treatment of 'undesirable' conduct amongst the herd was Ernest Hemmingway.
Op-Ed Contributor

Hemingway, Hounded by the Feds

"On Nov. 30 he was registered under an assumed name in the psychiatric section of St. Mary’s Hospital in Rochester, Minn., where, during December, he was given 11 electric shock treatments.
In January he called me from outside his room. He sounded in control, but his voice held a heartiness that didn’t belong there and his delusions had not changed or diminished. His room was bugged, and the phone was tapped. He suspected that one of the interns was a fed.
During a short release he twice attempted suicide with a gun from the vestibule rack. And on a flight to the Mayo Clinic, though heavily sedated, he tried to jump from the plane. When it stopped in Casper, Wyo., for repairs, he tried to walk into the moving propeller.
I visited him in June. He had been given a new series of shock treatments, but it was as before: the car bugged, his room bugged. I said it very gently: “Papa, why do you want to kill yourself?”
“What do you think happens to a man going on 62 when he realizes that he can never write the books and stories he promised himself? Or do any of the other things he promised himself in the good days?”
“But how can you say that? You have written a beautiful book about Paris, as beautiful as anyone can hope to write.” “The best of that I wrote before. And now I can’t finish it.”

Again this is a vast topic, but i want to keep it brief. There is plenty of material detailing these events quite thoroughly for those interested. I mainly reference this because it is a particular incident many have vaguely heard about.
as time passed on, the methods and ruthlessness of this type of 'research' increased dramatically. after WWII ended, many nazi scientists were brought to the united states to form the core of what became NASA and the CIA. under the direction of Allen Dulles, doctors like Ewen Cameron and others used 'innovations' in this field of technology to completely destroy the memory and psyche of individuals like Linda McDonald. some of these individuals would get their day in court and lead to the exposure of government involvement in mind-control research. a noted researcher who has brought light to this field is Colin A. Ross. below is an excerpt of his work on the subject:

"Linda MacDonald was a victim of Dr. Cameron's unethical, destructive mind control experiments between May 1 and Sept. 12, 1963. Cameron used a "treatment" which involved intensive application of three brainwashing techniques; drug disinhibition, prolonged sleep treatment, and prolonged psychological isolation. These were combined with ECT [Electro Convulsive Therapy] treatments. The amount of electricity introduced into Linda's brain exceeded by 76.5 times the maximum amount recommended in the ECT Guidelines of the American Psychiatric Association. P. 181-182
Dr. Cameron proved that doctors skilled in the right procedures can erase a subject's memory. His depatterning technique resulted in permanent and complete amnesia. To this day, Linda MacDonald is unable to remember anything from her birth to 1963. As recorded by nurses in her chart, Linda was reduced to a vegetable state. She was completely disoriented. She didn't know her name, age or where she was. She didn't recognize her children. She couldn't read, drive, cook, or use a toilet. Not only did she not know her husband, she didn't even know what a husband was. P. 182-183
There is a connection to politics, power, and weapons in Linda MacDonald's life. Her husband worked for the Canadian Armament Research Development Establishment. His immediate boss was a man who sold arms to Saddam Hussein. His boss was also tied into the Iran-Contra affair, and was murdered in Europe a few years ago. P. 186
Life changed for Linda when the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation program, The Fifth Estate, aired a segment on Dr. Cameron on January 17, 1984. A Vancouver newspaper ran a full-page story on Robert Loggie, a Vancouver man who had been experimented on by Dr. Cameron. Loggie was a plaintiff in the class action suit against the CIA for Dr. Cameron's MKULTRA experiments, which was settled out of court for $750,000, divided among the eight plaintiffs. P. 187"

so, we see that, even in the early days of the us government's involvement in the technological applications of mind control, drastic and life-altering effects were accomplished with even the most rudimentary means. i cite this merely to show that many have known that the will and methods for such atrocity have existed at the highest levels of our government, and persist to this day. the real issue, however, is that over the past several decades the evidence of this type of activity was destroyed by the CIA when exposure seemed immanent, and they learned to apply ever more subtle methods to avoid suspicion amongst the herd. today, virtually every piece of corporate imagery, music, entertainment, and sport is permeated to the core by the fruit of this type of research and its application to coercing the tiniest details of behavior among the masses.

Part Three: "Behavior Placement"

Of all the info in this post, this section is the least hidden. to sum up briefly: behavior placement is the presentation in any form of media (entertainment, news, PSAs, etc.) of a pre-programmed narrative of stimulus-response cycle that conforms to the desires and goals of some group (whether overtly known by the consumer of said media or not). In advertising we hear the phrase 'product placement' a lot to designate the conspicuous or subtle presence of consumer products in what is believed to be something besides an overt advertisement. viewers of the Colbert Report, or the Wayne's World movies will perhaps recall the overt and comic reference to this tendency in entertainment (i would bet that they were still paid by the companies in question despite appearing to 'satirize' the practice). in essence 'behavior placement' is very similar. you would see a scene of some sympathetic character, athlete, action-hero, etc. responding to a social condition or event in some particular fashion with the aim that the consumer would then imitate the response themselves, thus identifying with the desired 'heroic' or merely 'famous' quality of the character. 

"In just one week on NBC, the detectives on "Law and Order" investigated a cash-for-clunkers scam, a nurse on "Mercy" organized a group bike ride, Al Gore made a guest appearance on "30 Rock," and "The Office" turned Dwight Schrute into a cape-wearing superhero obsessed with recycling.
Coincidence? Hardly. NBC Universal planted these eco-friendly elements into scripted television shows to influence viewers and help sell ads.
The tactic— General Electric Co. 's NBC Universal calls it "behavior placement"—is designed to sway viewers to adopt actions they see modeled in their favorite shows. And it helps sell ads to marketers who want to associate their brands with a feel-good, socially aware show.
Unlike with product placement, which can seem jarring to savvy viewers, the goal is that viewers won't really notice that Tina Fey is tossing a plastic bottle into the recycle bin, or that a minor character on "Law and Order: SVU" has switched to energy-saving light bulbs. "People don't want to be hit over the head with it," says NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker. "Putting it in programing is what makes it resonate with viewers."
"Unfortunately, healthy habits aren't the bottom line: Clearly, for NBC, behavior placement is about dollar signs and cynicism, says Jon Bershad in Mediaite. The execs' attempts to manipulate their viewers to draw eco-conscious, health-conscious advertisers is "soul-crushing" proof that "everything is a business" these days."

so, in my eyes, the fact that this tactic is openly admitted and discussed is evidence of two things:
1. this practice is so universal in all forms of media that it is an 'open secret' and not considered worthy of concealing
2. the overt presence of this topic within corporate media itself is a kind of 'limited hangout' which reveals something already obvious while trying to paint the topic as somehow innocuous (being eco-conscious is totally benevolent after all, right?), quirky, or merely profit-seeking, when in fact this tactic is used on much more serious topics like army recruitment, paying one's taxes, one's attitude towards political candidates or the 2nd amendment, etc. etc.

although very mild, this article hints at a more sinister aspect to the tactic:
"When federal agencies like the ONDCP secretly outsource their propaganda efforts and social engineering programs to Hollywood sitcoms and dramedies, it’s an obvious blow to governmental transparency, accountability, and the primacy of the public sector as a force for good. But when it’s just megacorporations cultivating new brand personas or trying to sell us something, is behavior placement really so bad? While even those who evangelize the technique tend to characterize it as a subtle, almost subliminal phenomenon that can influence consumers during unguarded moments, in fact the exact opposite is true. Millions of women didn’t adopt Rachel Green’s hairstyle because they barely noticed it. The power of product and behavior placement lies in reaching people when they’re most conscious and most discerning, because they’re paying close attention to the programs they love. Show them something they like in these moments, and they’re far more likely to absorb it than at times where they’re less engaged."

the truth is, the mass of people in America and the 'civilized' world where media is absolutely ubiquitous are completely vacuous on an intellectual and ethical level, much less matters of 'fashion' and consumerism, and they are so easily manipulated that there is little evidence in their speech, dress, diet, music, etc. that isn't directly originated from an outside source. all they can do is repeat what they have seen and heard. this being the case, it becomes apparent how insidious 'behavior placement' can be. A really humorous example can be found in the South Park episode "Faith Hilling", and actually many many of the show's episodes which revolve around the willingness of the whole town of south park to adopt any ridiculous behavior or trend, even if it leads repeatedly to the 'occasional complete destruction of the entire town'.  in point of fact, one need only turn on prime time television for an hour or two to see exactly how depraved and devolved the purveyors of media trash want us to become. i try and completely avoid mass media for exactly this reason; i do not relish observing the incredible debasement of humanity into sexually perverted infantile egomaniacs, nor do i find this 'fun' 'entertaining' or anything positive at all. Monkey see, Monkey do, they say. What are the 6 megacorporations that run the majority of US media trying to train the monkeys to do? I do not imagine that any of it is positive. everywhere i look i see nothing but clones of this or that stupid, vapid cultural movements whether they be sports fans glued to the tv watching men in tights as a surrogate form of warrior masculinity while they get fatter and dumber every week instead of playing sports themselves , nympho barbie doll egotists, or drug addled 'new-agers' going to 'transformational festivals' to traffick drugs and leave their trash all over some pristine natural area somewhere, or some mentally crippled racist pseudo-conservative jackass watching fox news or duck dynasty. . .it is all total anti-human trash in my eyes. more importantly, to adopt any of these pre-fabricated lifestyle habits is to cease to be a human being or an individual of any kind. again to south park
"if you want to be one of the nonconformists like us you have to dress just like us and listen to the same music we do"

human nature is not to be a debased idiotic robot. human nature is to create and adapt to survive, to protect one's tribe and family from every form of assault and dehumanization, and to try to make a better world for the future. only by centuries of coldly calculated degradation and manipulation at the hands of pseudo-religious institutions, mass media, pseudo-academia, and government have we come to this point. without vastly increased awareness of these matters, things will only get worse.

more to come. . .

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