
Thursday, March 3, 2016

PSYWAR part 4: persona, shadow, and repression.

the contention of this entire blog is that humanity has been willfully, purposefully downgraded--physically, psychologically, and spiritually--for the maintenance of an exploitative and parasitic social order and for the benefit of the puppet-master elites who design and maintain this 'order'. one aspect of that is related to "culture", which i define as an artificially designed and maintained ideological toolbox of concepts that the lowest class of society are allowed to hold in order to preserve the status quo in terms of sociological structure and income/resource/information distribution. in our times, video games and television/film are the dominant media for the dissemination of this "culture". these media are controlled by a tiny group of people who maintain power by psychologically crippling the mass of society and normalizing slavery, genocide, a narcissistic/infantile 'sexuality' and exploitation on all levels. consumerism is one aspect of this that most people are at least somewhat familiar with; but, deeper than this is an artificial self-concept which is constructed within the viewer.  the most elementary mechanism of constructing this artificial self-concept is what we would call drama or narrative structure. this is, more or less, the framework within which characters and conflicts are defined by popular media. when a common person sees a 'hero' or 'heroine' depicted in media, they tend to reflexively identify or sympathize with this character. this is a deeply ingrained mechanism in the psyche of modern humans in the 'civilized' world. in this entry, my intent is to introduce very basic fundamental concepts which can be used to understand the psychologically engineered mind of mass man, and how these psychic/neural behavioral/perceptual modules operate to sustain the self-enforced behavior control required by the system.

1. persona.

persona is most closely identified with an ancient word for 'mask', as in the phrase 'dramatis personae', which is to say, a set of characters within the substance of a play. as one actor may play many characters, one 'individual' may have many personae which they embody in the course of their daily life. a simple example would be an array of roles like: 'student', 'friend', 'employee', 'lover', 'boss'. all of these could conceivably be 'played' by one individual in the course of a day, under different conditions. different social roles are circumscribed by different parameters of conduct, politeness, intimacy, etc. so, a single person could easily change roles and behave in different ways based on the expectations of others.
in a strictly psychological sense, the primary persona of a person is generally considered as a kind of amalgam of many sub-roles into one identity that a person wants to project to the world of their peers; it could be seen kind of like their own view of themselves as the hero or protagonist of their own 'plot'. as the embodiment of this 'hero' concept within their own awareness, there are certain villainous aspects of their own character that would be frowned on by peers if openly projected by the individual.

2. shadow

in psychological terms, the shadow is a way of generalizing aspects of one's own thought, behavior, and character, which individuals would generally rather not acknowledge. but, despite not being acknowledged, these aspects are persistent in a person's psyche, and in some sense will demand to be expressed. if shadow contents are repressed and not allowed to influence behavior, they may be expressed through 'freudian slips' or other subtle mannerisms (such as nervous fidgetting or compulsive behaviors), if not dreams/nightmares or just a critical inner voice in the individual's own mind. now. . .here is were PSYWAR comes in:

3. repression

repression is simply the redirection of impulses in the psyche away from overt behavior and expression. there are a pretty reliable set of behaviors, desires, and tendencies that are apt to be 'repressed' in a hierarchical social structure where almost all individuals lack freedom, wealth, and information of one kind or another. these repressed contents of the psyche can be redirected to a specific aim by even the most basic cultural forms.
sex, violence, and rebellion are the holy trinity of repressed content. in our society these three are used to control the masses of humanity.

1. sex is redirected into depravity by constant stimulation and bombardment with sexually charged images and narratives of socially 'approved' expressions of the sexual urge. 'monkey see, monkey do' is an incredibly useful phrase which applies here quite well. sexuality is constructed by media--plain and simple. the way in which it is constructed is antithetical to any healthy social order, and totally redirected into materialism and infantile wish fulfillment and fantasy with no connection to real world consequences. this is so obvious i do not feel any need to 'prove 'this; people really need to just face it.

2. violence is redirected in to warfare and police brutality, whose training materials are video games and film. again, this is simple and so obvious there is no need to elaborate.

3. "rebellion" is always most strictly controlled by media depictions of the 'other' in all its forms. what i mean to say here is that we are given totems of an 'enemy' which actually represents our own repressed desire to rebel, and knowledge that the oppressive system in which we live should be attacked, dismantled and destroyed for everyone's sake. the ego or persona is compelled to attack these totems in film and other narratives, thus symbolically supressing the drive for rebellion within and without. in media, generally for my life span since the 70s it has been russians and 'terrorists'. now zombies have become the new training dummy for the masses, with robots coming a close second. these comprise a dehumanized decoy, which can quickly be substituted with 'immigrants', 'rednecks' or whatever other group is chosen. the bogeymen of 'conservatives' are 'liberals' and vice versa. both symbols of 'opposition' in this particular case are caricatures. proponents of these fabricated and managed ideologies actually willfully take on the characteristics of these caricatures with pride and see them as noble and, quite bafflingly, see these ideals and caricatures as arising out of their own as their own creations.  in reality, all most ideologues do is repeat talking points and slogans that were created for them and voiced by the political actors and actresses who are groomed and taught to play this role by the forces that actually run society. what we call politicians are actually merely just characters that are created to mobilize and direct repressed drives of the masses, who know they are oppressed and enslaved but have no inherent ideas about who is doing the oppressing and where to direct their rebellious instincts against this repression. INVARIABLY this rebellion is directed at their fellow victims among the lower classes and never even approaches the real agents of repression, nor even conceives the existence of the true common oppressors of all political adhrerents.
by these simple means of trickery the empire which enslaved nations thousands of years ago has never waned or changed any of its tactics at all. it merely assumes slight variations in its words and terms, though largely maintaining all the symbolism and psychological manipulation tactics that go back to ancient babylon, rome, etc. unless people realize this, nothing can ever change.

in conclusion, the purpose of this entry has been to introduce some foundational topics for further elaboration in subsequent posts.

further reading:

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